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Manage Cabinets

A cabinet is a space for you to run your collection of assets together as an isolated instance of your enterprise. Cabinets are grouped by environment and are provisioned on a single cluster.


Cabinets are a convenient way to separate projects within an environment being shared by a team. For example, you could create separate sandbox, qa, and staging cabinets in the same environment.

Create cabinet

  1. To create a cabinet in the UI, click the + in the environment where you want to house the cabinet.

Click + to create a new cabinet

  1. Enter the name of the new cabinet, then click Confirm.

List cabinets

To list all available cabinets in the UI, go to the Environments page.

In this example, the environment test-environment contains the cabinets test-cab and test-cabinet. The environment dev-example contains the cabinet sandbox-example.

list cabinets

View cabinet contents

  1. To view the contents of a cabinet in the UI, click the cabinet's tile.

Click tile to show cabinet details

  1. Click the tabs to list the cabinet's assets, compare versions, see the history, and list assigned domains.

Rollback cabinet

The History tab lets you view the history of your cabinet and rollback to an earlier version.

  1. Click to view the History tab for your cabinet.

Codiac History entry

  1. Codiac creates a History entry every time you make a change to your cabinet. Each entry includes the enterprise version (snapshot name) and information about the recorded change.

This example shows that Codiac created a snapshot named 4AFOWGDA when version 1.0 of the codiac-example asset was deployed.

Codiac History entry

  1. To revert to a History entry, find the enterprise version (snapshot name) in the Snapshots tab.

Codiac History entry

  1. Drag the snapshot into the cabinet to deploy it. Deploying the snapshot reverts the cabinet to its state when Codiac created the snapshot.

Delete cabinet

  1. To delete a cabinet in the UI, click the cabinet's tile to view details.

  2. Click X Destroy cabinet to delete the cabinet.

Click to destroy cabinet

  1. Enter the name of the cabinet you wish to destroy, then click Confirm to destroy it.