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Manage Cabinets

A cabinet is a space for you to run your collection of assets together as an isolated instance of your enterprise. Cabinets are grouped by environment and are provisioned on a single cluster.


Cabinets are a convenient way to separate projects within an environment being shared by a team. For example, you could create separate sandbox, qa, and staging cabinets in the same environment.

Usage and Options

Use codiac cabinet -h to see all the available options:

$ codiac cabinet -h
Renders the list of asset versions that are currently deployed to the given cabinet.

$ codiac cabinet COMMAND

cabinet contents Renders the list of asset versions that are currently deployed to the given
cabinet create Initializes a cabinet for a given enterprise and environment. Returns an
error if the cabinet already exists.
cabinet list Shows the list of cabinets and environment.
cabinet obliterate Hard-deletes an entire cabinet and everything in it; makes it as if the
cabinet itself never existed.

Create a cabinet

  1. Use codiac cabinet create to create a new cabinet.
codiac cabinet create
  1. Follow the prompts to set the tenant, cabinet name, and enterprise. Here's an example entry for a cabinet:
? Cabinet name: gowebapi
? Environment: dev levanTestNet (aws, us-east-1)
? Environment: main enterprise:
? Environment: └─ dev levanTestNet (aws, us-east-1)
Continuing in aws as [ (Acct:123456789)]
Authenticating with aws...... Success!
enterprise: main
environment: dev
cabinet: gowebapi
name: levanTestNet
provider: aws
location: us-east-1
You are about to create this cabinet
? Continue? (ctrl-C to cancel) (y/N) y

List cabinets

  1. Use codiac cabinet list to list all available cabinets and environments.
$ codiac cabinet list
Retrieving cabinets... found 3
main enterprise:
├─ test-environment
│ └─ test-cabinet (test-cluster, azure)
├─ dev-example
│ └─ sandbox-example (cluster-example, aws)
├─ prod

View cabinet contents

  1. Use codiac cabinet contents to see the list of asset versions which are currently deployed to a cabinet.
codiac cabinet contents
  1. Select the cabinet you wish to view. The output lists the assets (if any) which are deployed to this cabinet.

Rollback cabinet

Use the web to view the history of your cabinet and rollback to an earlier version..

Delete cabinet

  1. Use codiac cabinet obliterate to delete a cabinet.
codiac cabinet obliterate
  1. Select the cabinet you wish to delete, then enter Y to confirm the deletion.